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25 Apr 2017

Tools for content managing

Hey guys,
                 if you want a successful brand awareness ' one of the best is content marketing .

content marketing is a medium to connect with your customers and readers online. through 'it you can find a convenient way to make your goods ready and easily available for customers.
As we know content marketing is very effective for us but it is not too easy. Creating a very successful marketing content is very hard working and challenging for us.

So let us discuss some content marketing tools you should know to all of us.

The best content marketing tools 


Google adsword

Are you find for a tool which will help you to find targeted keyword for your business.

There are also other tool like google adsword offering some unique functions.

 As a content managers you should always know for keyword which will give your post a rapid boost to your business.


Some people have amazing and very innovative content but are struggling publishing and distribution.These two problems are getting the content marketers to get the desireable result for the post.
This method can help you to increase your traffic size and your business.
Through ' Outbrain you can number of customer that you can't  reach.   

Create content post with picture, videos, captions , articles and something more to spread to  everyone in your network area . The "Bundlr" plugin allows users to clip the content from their browser which they browse on their browsers , making it quick and easy way to bundle the content with other qualities sources of information
 A complete free tool for managing everything from media to ideas on a  organized cards. narrow your content and make tunning with your other team mates by collecting votes on particular cards to have  feedback on the best content and to start further.

Pintrest  is one of the trustful option for content managing for these days.You can use pintrest to organize your content. you can add your website or blog to the pintrest where people see your post some can visit your blog or website which can help you to drive traffic.

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